Join us in living your best
Alpha-gal life

Welcome to Alpha-gal Living

For many of us, our first question is now what? An Alpha-gal Syndrome (AGS) diagnosis can be scary, overwhelming, and confusing. Learning to live with AGS can feel like an uphill climb with little margin for error. Many of us know exactly how you feel.

Alpha-gal Living offers a safe space to navigate this Alpha-gal life together. 

Whether you’re a patient or caregiver, a seasoned researcher, a healthcare provider, or simply just trying to learn, your questions and experiences are valued at Alpha-Gal Living.

We are more than a website. Alpha-Gal Living offers a hub of FREE trusted resources and information, plus connections with each other. Our mission is to provide a simple, easy-to-access space that you can use every day to live a full life with Alpha-gal.

Where to start?

Tell us your biggest concerns. Reading food labels? Dining out safely? Avoiding trigger foods? Is there a safe food list? Is chocolate ok? What are cross-reactions? Easy-to-read guides are coming soon! We welcome your input to help support the AGS community.

When your doctor doesn’t know.

Whether you’re newly diagnosed or you’ve been living with AGS for a while, talking with healthcare providers about Alpha-gal can be challenging. Learn how to advocate for yourself or a loved one with your care providers.

A day in the life.

Alpha-gal exposures happen at the most unexpected times. It can be tricky to manage symptoms, cross-reactivity, and triggers that can hide in plain sight. Our free resources along with careful preparation can help you continue the activities that you enjoy.

Join Alpha-gal Living

Join our mission to empower, inspire, and thrive together as part of Alpha-gal Living. You’ll gain FREE access to information, resources, and experts to help you navigate this life change.

Your allergy isn’t like their allergy.

It has many names.

It’s the tick bite allergy, the red meat allergy, the mammalian meat allergy, the Alpha-gal allergy. A diagnosis means the same thing. We must now learn to avoid some of our most favorite foods and products and re-tool our routine activities. What’s not the same is how wildly different each of us has to manage life with Alpha-gal Syndrome.

Alpha-gal Living offers a safe space for those impacted by this sudden and dramatic life change. Join us to better understand this condition and replace fear and worry with hope and confidence.

Avoid triggers, not the food (and people) you love.

The social connections over food are cherished. When diagnosed with Alpha-gal Syndrome, your relationship with food totally changes. Many of us worry that those special times together will too. 

Understanding how to avoid trigger foods, especially from “safe” choices, can let you focus on fun times and being with loved ones. We’re building a resource to help you steer away from the trickiest and sneakiest triggers. 

Get full and FREE access to Alpha-gal Living’s tools and information. As a community, we’re sharing hope and building knowledge for a robust, full life.

Helping you navigate life
with Alpha-gal.